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Education Sciences and Psychology GESJ:

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Information for authors:
  • Each article accepted for consideration by Editorial Council, passes reviewing. After reviewing article can be accepted for publication, or can be sent to the author for completion, or can be rejected.
  • Article should be written in English, Georgian or Russian.
  • Articles will be published in the language of original.
  • To submit articles and data about the authors use the menu item "Send article".
  • The journal accepts for publication one or several articles from one author, but in one issue of the journal can be published only two of them.
  • The authors of published articles can not make any changes or additions in them, but can direct the additional remarks to own article on the common bases.
  • Date of receipt will be placed at the end of published article.
  • Within one year at least two numbers of the journal issued.
  • Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University provides reviewing of the articles.
    Georgian Technical University provides publication of the articles.
    For the authors publication of the article is free of charge.
Rules for publication of articles:
  • The articles are accepted in DOC/DOCX or ODT or SXW(OpenOffice) file, page size - A4.
    • English or Russian font should be - Times New Roman (size 12pt), line spacing - single;
    • Paragraph indentation: first line - 1cm; alignment - justified;
    • Margins: 2cm - top, right, left, bottom; 1cm - header, 1,3cm - footer;
    • The article should comprise following information:
      • UDC Subject Classification (size 12pt);
      • Title of the article (center, bold, size 14pt);
      • Information about author (coauthor):
        • Surname, Name of author and coauthor (center, size 12pt);
        • Name and address of organizations, in which the authors work (center, size 10pt);
      • Summary (abstract) in article's language (app. 1000 characters)(indentation before text = 2cm, italic, size 12pt). The summary should not include references to the quoted literature and cumbersome formulas.
      • Keywords in article's language (indentation before text = 2cm, italic, size 12pt).
    • The article should be divided into paragraphs, items and subitems, if necessary;
    • If article contains figures or drawings:
      • The drawing should be near to the appropriate text;
      • Drawing should have an inscription;
      • In case of formatting a material, the drawing should be moved with the text;
      • Drawing should be displayed on the screen without defects (resolution 96-150dpi).
    • The references should be presented as follows:
      • should be presented on a separate page;
      • should be numbered as they appear in the text;
      • unpublished works are not referenced, except for the defended dissertations;
      • the references should be given in square brackets;
    • In the end specify amount of figures, amount of the diagrams and amount of the tables.

bibliographic description (references) necessarily should be included:
for books:
Surname, Initials. The title of the book. City: publishing house, year of edition (if several editions are present, number of the edition is resulted after year of the edition). Name of cities should be written in full.
for article in the books and nonperiodic issues:
Surname, Initials. Title of article. In books.: the title of the book. Under edition surname Initials. City: the publishing house, year of the edition, page (if number of volume and/or of issue is present, they are given after year of the edition and before pages).
for article in journals and periodic issues:
Surname, Initials. Title of article. Name of journal, year, volume, number, pages.
for conference proceedings:
Surname, Initials. Title of article. Name of the conference. City: publishing house, year of the edition, volume, pages.
for preperints and reports:
Surname, Initials. The title of preprint (report). Preprint (Report). The name of organization. City, year, number, pages.
for deposited works:
Surname, Initials. The name of work. Deposited in ... . City, year, number of page.
for dissertations (thesis):
Surname, Initials. The title of the dissertation. The abstract of the dissertation, City, Institute, year.
for standards and patents:
1. Jordan O.D. UK Patent 2081298, 1982.
2. Teidzin K.K. Jpn Laid-out Appl., 61-207616, 1986.
for article in our electronic journal:
Surname, Initials //Title of article// GESJ: Education Sciences and Psychology. year, number, pages. (

For submitting article and information about authors, use menu button "SEND ARTICLE".

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Internet Academy 2001-2025
ISSN 1512-1801