- The journal publishes original research papers containing new results on theoretical and applied problems. Research areas include the subjects such as:
- Music History;
- Music Theory;
- Ethnomusicology;
- Culturology;
- Music Sociology;
- Music Aesthetics;
- Music Pedagogic;
- Music Therapy;
- Problems of Musical Performance;
- The Musical-cultural Heritage;
- Interdisciplinary Problems of Music.
- Publication language
s are English, Georgian or Russian. More info>>>
- Submitted articles are subjected to a peer-review process.
- The journal is a peer-reviewed, free access, purely electronic journal under the patronage of the:
V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire
- Editorial Board is approved by Scientific Council of the V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire .
- Please see the instructions for the paper submission at the page " FOR AUTHORS".
- To track the status of your article and view the recently received articles, please use the menu button "NEWS".
- To view the previous issues of the journal, please use the menu button "PREVIOUS".