Musicology and Cultural Science GESJ:
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Musicology and Cultural Science GESJ:
General provisions
Statement on Open Access
Conception of the journal

General provisions: Statement on Open Access:
  • We provide an open access for any research article published in the journal.
  • We are working with other publishers of open access works and interested parties to develop tools for authors to facilitate publication of articles in standard electronic formats suitable for archival storage and efficient searching.
  • Our open access model is supported by V. Sarajishvili Tbilisi State Conservatoire   and Georgian Technical University .
Licensing: Aims and scope:
  • The journal is a peer-reviewed, free access, purely electronic journal.
  • Article must be the authors' original, un-published work and must not be under-consideration for publication elsewhere. Article is subjected to a peer-review process. After reviewing article can be accepted for publication, or can be sent to the author for completion, or can be rejected.
  • The journal is abstracted at VINITI and TECHINFORMI.
  • Content of the journal is stored locally by the Internet Academy and sent to the Georgian National Library, Georgian Research Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (TECHINFORMI) and central libraries of di;erent countries as well. Thus the rights of the authors of articles published in the journal are protected.
  • The authors are responsible for the contents of the article.
  • The journal is not responsible for possible damage caused by the publication of the article. If the publication of the article infringes someone's rights or standard norms of scientific ethics, the journal has the right to withdraw published article.
  • Editorial Board, guided by the criteria and requirements of the academic journal, aims to maintain the status and scienti#c weight of this journal, foster the further development and improvement of the quality of the content, enhance its visibility and outreach.
Creative Commons License
Internet Academy 2001-2025
ISSN 1512-2018